Premier Academy Handbook
Download the latest copy of the Premier Academy Handbook and stay up to date on school policies, programs, and more useful information to help guide you and your child throughout their school year.
E-Learning Information
During E-Learning days teachers and administrators will be check e-mail periodically throughout the day. We do not expect teachers or other staff members to be in constant communication throughout an E-Learning Day. Students who were locked out of coursework due to attendance will be able to request password resets on a “E-Learning Day” and that can be done by e-mailing his/her teacher. Staff e-mail addresses can be found here.
If school is cancelled, an announcement will be made via our electronic notification system. This system generates automated phone calls, e-mails and text messages to everyone enrolled. When possible, students will be notified at school the day before forecasted conditions suggest the possibility of an E-Learning Day.
Attendance will be taken during the school day. First, each student is expected to log into their Edgenuity account before 8:30am to be counted as present. . Students who log in between 8:31am and 10:30am will be counted as tardy. Students who have not logged in by 10:30am will be counted as absent and will lose access to their coursework for the remainder of the day. Coursework expectations are to meet coursework goal and/or online for 5 hours.
Ideally, students are expected to meet their daily coursework goal. At minimum, students are expected to meet their coursework goal and/or work online for 5 hours.
Staff can be contacted between the hours of 8:00am – 3:00pm and can be reached via email or phone (contact information available on )
Premier communication to families on 3/15/20: Click here
Here are links for more information on the coronavirus outbreak:

If your student needs to be administered a prescription medication during school hours, please have your child’s physician fill out this form:
Authorization for prescription medication
If your student has accrued multiple absences, the state of Illinois requires that a medical documentation form be completed by a physician in order to excuse a child from school. Please utilize this form:
Premier Academy does not house or release permanent student records including: transcripts of any kind, health/immunization records, or GPA. Please contact your student’s home school to obtain any/all of these records.
Premier Academy maintains temporary files (semester grade reports, attendance, and general behavior records) on each student for up to 5 years. For all temporary file requests, 72 hours notice will be required to obtain any documents/information.
For any transportation questions or issues, please contact the Bus Company from your district:
815-634-0333 Gardner South Wilmington/Illinois Central School Bus
815-467-5133 Minooka Bus Garage
815-416-1745 Morris/Illinois Central School Bus
630-636-2976 Oswego Bus Garage
630-552-8980 Plano Bus Garage
630-553-0435 Yorkville Bus Garage