Sending School Information
Please reference the following documents and forms when referring a student to Premier Academy. Please contact us at (815) 416-0377 x1100 if you have any questions.
Referral (with all supporting documents and/or online forms) and ILP must be completed in entirety before an intake will be scheduled at Premier Academy.
Referral Process & Reasons
Intake Process
Referrals for eligible students consist of the following:
A school district refers a student to the Regional Safe School Program RSSP) or the Truants Alternative and Optional Education Program (TAOEP) at Premier Academy.
All potential students should be issued the Premier Academy School Flyer by their home school before referral is sent to Premier Academy.
- School Flyer
A referral team from Premier will evaluate the referral to determine proper placement. Proper referral documents are:
- Premier Academy Referral
- Individual Learning Plan
Download Form *preferred but not required
Online Form - Updated Transcript
- One Year of Attendance Data
- Documentation of any truancy interventions/services (letters, conferences, referrals, etc.)
- One year of behavior information
- Individualized Education Plan (if applicable)
- Any previous Standardized Test data (if available)
- Most recent Grade Report
If the referral team evaluates and determines that a student is eligible for placement at Premier, a student Intake Meeting is scheduled with the student, family, sending school (if applicable) and Premier staff. Intakes are completed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
When conditions of placement are agreed upon, the student is transferred into the Premier program. Student starts Premier on the Monday following the intake.
A student transitioning back to the sending school will be assisted and monitored by the Premier Transition Team.
Upon receipt of the completed referral, Premier will initiate contact with the perspective student’s parent/guardian to schedule an intake.
Program Criteria
- Involved in misconduct that can be demonstrated as serious, repetitive and/or cumulative
- Suspended at least twice (2) for a period of 4-10 days for gross misconduct as defined by the Safe Schools Program legislation
- Eligible for expulsion
- Expelled and administratively transferred to Premier Academy
- Chronic truant, having missed 5% or more of the previous 180 school days
- A potential dropout with attendance problems that may include; chronic truancy, truancy, selective absences; excessive absences or a pattern of absences or tardiness (as defined by 105 ILCS 5/26-2a)
- A dropout from grades 6-12 (as defined by 105 ILCS 5/26-2a)
RSSP Referral Reasons
RSSP Referral Reasons (32 seats available-6th-12th grades):
- Suspension Eligible
A student who has been suspended at least twice for a period of 4-10 days for gross misconduct or involved in conduct that can be demonstrated as serious, repetitive and/or cumulative
- PA 97-0495 Suspended and Administratively Transferred
A student who was suspended in excess of 20 days
- Expulsion Eligible
A student who was expulsion-eligible due to serious/repetitive/cumulative conduct and is transferred in lieu of expulsion
- PA 97-0495 Expelled and Administratively Transferred
A student who was expelled and administratively transferred
RSSP Primary and Secondary Referral Reasons:
- Alcohol
liquor law violations, possession, use, sale
- Disorderly conduct
disruptive behavior
- Drugs (excluding alcohol and tobacco)
illegal drug possession, sale, use/under the influence
- Fighting
mutual altercation, battery, and/or physical altercation
- Harassment, nonsexual
physical, verbal, or psychological
- Insubordination
disobedience to school staff or school personnel
- Robbery
taking of things by force or theft
- Threats
including school threats
- Vandalism
damage to school or personal property
- Violation of school rules
disobeying school policy
- Weapons possession
firearms and other weapons
- Other offenses
please list
TAOEP Referral Reasons
TAOEP Primary Referral Reasons (20 seats available-6th-10th grades; 64 seats-11th-12th grades):
- Dropout
a child whose name has been removed from the district enrollment roster for reasons other than death, extended illness, or graduation and has not transferred to another school
- Chronic truant
a child who is absent w/o a valid cause for 10% + of the previous 180 regular school attendance days
- Truant
a child who is absent w/o valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion thereof
- Potential dropout
a student whose school absences or pattern of school attendance impedes the student’s learning or contributes to the student’s failure to meeting learning standards
TAOEP Secondary Referral Reasons:
- Credit Deficient
a high school student who has not earned an adequate number of credits for his/her appropriate grade level toward graduation
- Court/Law Mandated Participation
a student whose participation in the TAOEP has been either recommended or required by a law enforcement agency or a court
- Drug and/or Alcohol Problems
a student who has been identified as having drug and/or alcohol problems
- High Failure Rate
a student who failed at least 20% of academic courses in the previous grade reporting period
- Low Achievement
a student who falls below the district mean achievement levels in both reading and math
- Low Income
a student coming from a low-income family as indicated by receiving free lunch or public aid assistance
- Physical or Emotional Health Problems
a student having physical or emotional health conditions that place him or her at-risk of dropping out of school
- Tardiness
a student who comes to classes late , repetitively
- Teen Parent
a student who is a teen parent and who has not received a high school diploma or GED
- Other offenses
please list