Program History
Premier Academy is a program of the Grundy/Kendall County Regional Office of Education and serves students grades 6-12 in the respective counties. Premier is funded by the Illinois State Board of Education through the Regional Safe Schools Program (RSSP) and the Truants Alternative and Optional Education Program (TAOEP) grants. State-wide over 100 such programs operate to serve the needs of at-risk students.
Premier Academy Morris was established in the 2004-2005 school year and supported 20-25 students working out of one classroom. As the program expanded, student enrollment increased to support 4 separate learning spaces, as well as an additional space that houses the administrative and support offices.
In January of 2013, Premier Academy relocated to a new facility at 7700 Ashley Road in Morris, where student population can expand to serve 134.
Eligible students are referred to Premier by their home school. Only students enrolled in cooperating schools located in Grundy or Kendall counties are eligible for the RSSP and TAOEP school program hosted at Premier. Using best practice research, Premier utilizes computer-based programs to function as the primary instructional tool. All coursework is aligned to Illinois State Standards. Certified teachers and teacher’s aides provide one-on-one assistance as well as offline activities and enrichment.
- to implement a comprehensive individual learning plan for each student
- to provide a cohesive academic foundation
- to promote a structured, yet nurturing environment
- to incorporate a progressive approach to the total development of each student
- to facilitate skill sets that students successfully carry into their future
Referrals for eligible students consist of the following:
- Issue Premier Academy School Flyer
- Premier Academy referral
- Individual Learning Plan
- Updated transcript
- One year of attendance data
- One year of behavior information
- Individualized Education Plan (if applicable)
- Previous standardized test scores (if applicable)
- Current enrolled classes/grades (in addition to the ILP)
- Any truancy interventions/paperwork
Upon receipt of the completed referral, Premier will initiate contact with the perspective student’s parent/guardian to schedule an intake.
Students who have been referred to Premier must meet one or more of the following criteria:
RSSP (Regional Safe Schools Program):
- involved in misconduct that can be demonstrated as serious, repetitive and/or cumulative
- suspended at least twice (2) for a period of 4-10 days for gross misconduct as defined by the Safe Schools Program legislation
- eligible for expulsion
- expelled and administratively transferred to Premier
TAOEP (Truants Alternative/Optional Education Program):
- chronic truant, having missed 5% or more of the previous 180 school days
- a potential dropout with attendance problems that may include: chronic truancy, truancy, selective absences or a patter of absences or tardies (as defined by 105 ILCS 5/26-2a)
- a dropout from grades 6-12 (as defined by 105 ILCS 5-26-2a)
Our Mission
To provide each student with a challenging educational environment that allows for individual differences and learning styles while promoting a desire to learn, and empowering each student to take appropriate risks and accept challenges, in an effort to inspire each student to become a contributing member of society.